One of my liflong friends, Paul Morrow, has a son who is someone to be truly proud of. He is running half of the LA Marathon. Cheryl and I have decided to sponsor him and encourage you to do so as well. It is for a worthy cause,
ChildSHARE to place a child in a home.
If you would like, I invite you to contribute as well. Even $1 will make a difference.

On a personal note, Mo, if you read this, WAY TO GO!!!!
1 comment:
Jim and Cheryl have supported a worthy cause that I support. I wish them well in their efforts.
Now, something more controversial: what about stem cell research? Please watch your state legislature! Some states (Michigan and Texas right now) have proposed legislation that would ban all stem cell research in their states. The issue is NOT life vs. death of an embryo, as some insist. 20,000 embryos each year are thrown away by their owners into medical waste. The choice is helping others through research (death of an embryo) vs. being thrown away as medical waste (death for the embryo). A few (135 so far in 10+ years) become "snowflake" babies (adopted by others). Most of the creators of these embryos do not want others raising their children (embryos) elsewhere, so they opt to destroy them. Nothing in the legislation proposed in Congress prevents snowflake babies. So, do we choose to use the medical waste for research, or just as trash? That is the choice that confronts us. Please keep a watchful eye on your legislature!
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