Well, Here is part two to my post from the other day. As many of you know, I received an email from a friend, found it interesting and amusing, so I thought I would share with all. Turns out that it was a fabrication. On the other hand, Randy Cassingham is a fairly well known author and has in fact published The Stella Awards along with several other books. Since 1994 this former reporter turned author has hosted This is True Wierd News.
So that got me thinking, was the Stella Award a complete hoax, or simply the message I received. I wrote to Mr. Cassingham and this was his reply....
May it please the court: Many stories are going around the 'net saying they are "The Stella Awards". Many of these stories are false, made-up, or (sometimes) true stories with false elements added to them. It makes no sense to use false examples of real problems when there are so many true examples that illustrate the actual problem.....
For his complete take on the validity of the Stella Awards, visit Stella Awards: Decidedly NOT the Stellas.
So apparently, their is much Weird News and what Randy has on his website and in his book is valid, (including the material in his book "The Stella Awards", but the material I received in email and posted here in my blog is not.
Am I Dumber than Stella? I will let you be the judge. My bottom line, as Ronald Reagan said famously, "Trust but Verify".
To see Randy in Action, check out this video..
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